Monday, July 20, 2009

Super Boring Post

Okay so it's been a while since I last wrote, as many of you have pointed out! My first thought is: "Wow, so people ACTUALLY read this blog?" Well it is.
This has been my life since, get off work, then work some more, then sleep, then get up and go to work, with a movie that I have probably watched 100 times stuck in the mix. Explanation:
a. Lightening storm fried our TV antenna so we no longer have basic TV even. Saving all my dough for a trip to the USA in December so I havent bought a new Antenna yet, forcing me to rewatch DVD's over and over. (also helps with point "c")
b. Work 10 hours a day at day job
c. Work most other times on new feature film I'm producing....busy with the business plan at the moment.

Not very interesting hey? So I promise I will write again when something interesting actually happens to me...right now its unbelievably boring....and cold!!!

1 comment:

Cara DiPierro said...

this isn't a boring life. remember... you live in South Africa!!