Thursday, December 4, 2008


Today's been terrible. I found out that Bloom didnt make Sundance, and stemming bitter dissapointment took Shelbie out for a run in the veldt behind Simon's house (same place where we took the picture of her). Threw the ball around, she chased a cat, and I laughed as I watched her run happy and free.....until she returned to me with a limp which I soon realized was a severly sliced paw. She must have stood on wire or glass that had been thrown into the field and was hidden by grass...I dont know. Blood was quickly covering everything. I walked her home as quickly as possible....she leaving bloody footprints behind. Getting home I rinsed it, packed it with sugar to stop the bleeding, and when it did so, inspected it. I couldnt see a cut, so I assumed it was not in need of stitches. Spoke to Nancy's sister, who's a vet, who told me what to do.
That evening, Shelbie stood up to eat her dinner and upon standing on the foot, started the bleeding again. This time it was unstopable. I called a friend to come get us and take us to the vet. And there she is...overnighting. I only hope that Shelbie wont pay the ultimate price of me not taking her to the vet immediately. It's 2am and I cant sleep for fear of losing one of my most precious friends.
The only good thing about all this is I really dont give a damn about not getting into Sundance now....

1 comment:

Cara DiPierro said...

GASP!!! NOOOOOOOO...... you didnt make sundance. super sad... what next? it's such a good film!!